High Blood Pressure

Family Medicine, Weight Loss, Men's Hormone Replacement Therapy & Substance Use located in Oklahoma City, OK

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure services offered in Oklahoma City, OK

While you might hear frequent jokes about stressful situations spiking blood pressure, high blood pressure isn’t a laughing matter. Fortunately, at Anibal Avila M.D., the private internal medicine practice of esteemed physician Anibal Avila, MD, you’ll receive effective and compassionate high blood pressure care. Dr. Avila works with you to create a blood pressure management plan that helps you stay active and avoid a crisis like a heart attack. Call the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, office or click online scheduling to book your appointment. 

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure refers to overly forceful blood flow inside your blood vessels. It decreases artery elasticity, narrowing those blood vessels and limiting the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart. This can lead to heart disease and heart attack. 

High blood pressure can also cause a blood clot in the arteries sending blood and oxygen to your brain, causing a stroke. Further, high blood pressure can damage your eyes, kidneys, and other organs. Having high blood pressure in middle age increases your dementia risk later. 

Men’s risk of high blood pressure is generally greater, but after menopause, women have a higher risk.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure rarely causes symptoms. It’s known as a “silent killer” because it can cause fatal heart attacks in people who had no idea there was a problem.  

Very high blood pressure can cause symptoms like severe headaches, nosebleeds, chest pain, and breathing issues requiring immediate medical attention. 

Am I at risk for high blood pressure?

High blood pressure usually occurs because of unhealthy factors like smoking, a high sodium diet, stress, extra weight, and drinking excessively. While family history can increase your risk of high blood pressure, making the right choices can help you prevent it. 

How can I prevent high blood pressure?

You can prevent high blood pressure by scheduling annual exams at Anibal Avila M.D. During your visits, Dr. Avila checks your blood pressure and your past readings. If you’re at risk of high blood pressure, Dr. Avila recommends measures such as:

  • Weight loss
  • At least 150 minutes of exercise weekly
  • Quitting smoking
  • Reducing sodium and alcohol intake
  • Stress management

The same measures that prevent high blood pressure can help you lower it. Many people reach a healthy blood pressure by working with Dr. Avila to lose weight, eat healthier, and make other changes. He may recommend tracking your blood pressure at home with a wrist or arm cuff.

If lifestyle changes don’t get you to a healthy blood pressure, Dr. Avila can prescribe medications that relax blood vessels, slow the heartbeat, or alter other physiological functions to lower blood pressure. 

High blood pressure doesn’t have to cause a medical crisis. You can take control with help from Anibal Avila, M.D., so book your appointment using online scheduling or call the office now.