Men's Health

Family Medicine, Weight Loss, Men's Hormone Replacement Therapy & Substance Use located in Oklahoma City, OK

Men's Health

Men's Health services offered in Oklahoma City, OK

Men are about 33% less likely than women to see the doctor when they need to and unfortunately, that approach can shorten your life. Men’s health care at Anibal Avila M.D., under the skilled care of Anibal Avila, MD, helps you stay healthy and avoid emergencies. Dr. Avila offers medical care attuned to your needs as a man. He’s an empathetic and understanding internal medicine physician who provides the solutions you need in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, office. Book your appointment online now.

What is men’s health care?

Men’s health care focuses on male patients’ medical and general wellness needs. Dr. Avila is a men’s health specialist with a 40-plus-year history of tailoring medical care for the specific needs of male patients. 

What does men’s health care include?

Men’s health care at Anibal Avila M.D. includes comprehensive medical care for men’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs at every point in their lives. The main aspects include:

Preventive care

Preventive care is all too often neglected by men, but it’s the easiest way to prevent a medical crisis later. For example, men have a higher risk of heart disease than women, and about 50% of men who die suddenly of heart disease had no symptoms before that. Preventive care identifies problems like this early so that it can save your life. 

Along with a general physical exam and disease screenings, preventive care includes vaccinations to help you avoid preventable diseases. 

Help with male health issues

Men have an increased risk of issues like low testosterone, enlarged prostate, and erectile dysfunction as they enter middle age and their geriatric years. Conditions like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol are also common in both sexes as they age.


Dr. Avila provides personalized care for your male-specific and general health issues all in one place. He’s particularly experienced with male hormone replacement and can prescribe testosterone therapy to relieve symptoms like mood swings, reduced muscle mass, hair thinning, lower libido, and erectile dysfunction.

As your primary care doctor, Dr. Avila manages all your medications and medical needs, streamlining your care.

How often should I have men’s health care?

Dr. Avila recommends annual physicals, and you might need other medical care based on your health issues. In general, if you’re in good overall health, you need to spend very little time in the office yearly and isn’t that hour or two worth it when you’re protecting your health and possibly even saving your life? 

You can trust Dr. Avila with your feelings and thoughts, so if you have questions or need some advice, don’t hesitate to call the office. He offers a safe and judgment-free zone where you can get support from someone who understands you. 

Call Anibal Avila M.D. or book an appointment with online scheduling now.